French is widely used in India, France and Europe and many other countries as well.
Studying is the correct spell
Communication is an important part of our life because if we have good communications skills then we can grow very fast and also faces the challenge in the real world without any problem. So it is two way that give a lot of chances for becoming a right person with more popularity in the world.
Of course,
He really belongs to Muslim society.
The debit and credit amount must be equal when we makes the balance sheet and trial balance and it is called double entry booking in accountancy
There are three branches of Science
1. Computer Science
2. Science Math
3. Chemistry
There are 4P's of Marketing Mix for Coca Cola which they can follow in their business such as
You need to have Modem for the Computer to connect with an Internet and after that you have to take the fastest providing Internet connection to connect with Internet.
There are lots of basis elements of computer such as Monitor,keyboard, Mouse, Printer, CPU, Memory, Input and output devices and many more elements are present in the computer system
For an example,
65/100*100 = 65 percentage.
Received marks/total marks*100
The Inflation rate of Pakistan was in 2008 between 7-8 and right now it can be increased.
You can set the fixed inflation rate parameters to reduce the rate and it can be more helpful in the future
The total amount which have to pay to your creditors
You need to submit your address and identification number and might be license which is currently using then you can easily do the trading in the foreign countries.
They can easily Join the U.S army if they are living in this country from last few years.
I think 15% people are colour-blind.
Of course,
You can find Hindi online essay on various online site in an easy step.
Please go ahead!
The time in India is 1:00 PM.
The answer of this question in this manner.
2 *25 = 50
3 *25 = 75
Total =125
125 is the correct answer of it.
I have not yet received any letter from EDD.