Easter is a very important celebration in my life because it is to remember Jesus died for us!
Easter marks the start of Spring and how flowers will soon bloom and blossom, causing high spirits.
Its also about God, and the Bible, with Jesus being reborn after being hung on the cross. It shows that anything is possible, and how we at fault for ourselves.
And for the little kids, its about … Read more
Its also about God, and the Bible, with Jesus being reborn after being hung on the cross. It shows that anything is possible, and how we at fault for ourselves.
And for the little kids, its about … Read more
Easter is a popular Christian festival, and is marked by the arrival of spring. Much like spring, this festival is linked with the concepts of birth, revitalization and fruitfulness.
Easter symbolises the Resurrection of Christ, 3 days after he was crucified. Easter falls between the forty days of Lent and 7 weeks of Eastertide. It … Read more
Easter is my favorite favorite Christian event;it proves that Jesus is the Only person/prophet as some call him but to me He is the Savior,very son of God and He arose from the dead and was seen by many in doing such;He promised to do this and sent us the Holy Spirit as He promised … Read more
It means to me that Jesus Christ died for our sins an rose again on the third day so that we may have everlasting eternal life if we ask for forgivness for our sins and earnstly repent of them!
They lived on grubs and in home made house by mud and branch's.
The Aboriginals lived where nobody before them ever lived.
They started to sleep on straw made up of dry grass, until they learned about mattresses.
They were like the cavemen but in australia. Their lives were very simple, sleep, fight, eat sleep. 50% of them are in central Australia, well, their decendance anyway!
Before the European white man came to the continent of Australia to settle down, it was inhabited dominantly by the native population who were called Aborigines. Their population was almost 300000 before whites came to Australia but it has dwindled down in the more recent years to a meagre 90000. However their strength is gradually … Read more
They lived by hunting food and finding water and they had to make their clothes of of animal skins