I keep my husband in diapers and plastic pants in the house, he doesnt like it much but tough he has to do as I tell him. I make him wear panties to work but as soon as he's back home he goes straight back into his diapers. He is a really cute boy and … Read more
Yes! Men are immature babies and should be kept in diapers. They shouldn't get married; they need to be adopted! I love my man paddling around the house in diapers, but as soon as I let him out of them he turns into and arrogant a-hole.
Not all man need to wear diapers if they did were would babys come from.but there are mem who are bigger babys then babys themself.their the ones who should be wearing diapers 24/7.my husband and I been marryed for10 years he can`t have kids.from day one my husband has always done what ever I told … Read more
Yes all us guys should be diapered 24/7.no questions asked I am a baby an love it
You they are so hot and cute in diapers we should be the boss of men
Actually personally I have worn a diaper on several times, enjoy the feel and comfort of it as well as the way it made genitals feel. Doesn't mean I wanted to be babied, I just liked wear and using a diaper. But, as towards this question, I don't see why male should have to be … Read more
Where'd you get this information?
Yes they should. Bill shell is the rightest person here, except for the "can be thought of to change themselves" part. That is stupid.