Jessica means many things... Seen by the holly one, smart, beuttiful, loved by all, angel,, sweet, gods grace, wealthy. But I know that my mom is loved by so many people so my top belief is SEEN BY THE HOLLY ONE. :-)
Oops i meant to type that on my own not as a comment
My name is Marisa, Its funny they say its Italian because I looooooooooooooove Italian food and one time my wisdom teeth grew like sort of on top of another (thats another story) but the point is that we went to the dentist and they made some wierd joke about me being Itatian because appraintly teeth … Read more
I have heard a lot a meanings for the name marissa they are.............. Bitternes, Beauty, loving, Ocean, sea, Honey Suckle and humming bird.............My coment on the name spelling s that many people spell tere names in different ways but i dont think we should get mad at others or make a big deal if somebody … Read more