I am 23 years old and I have a beautiful 2 year old BIG (as opposed to baby) girl named Eva (pronounced Ay-vuh). My baby girl, Na'ima, nicknamed Nema (Nee-muh) so her sister can pronounce it, is 9 months old now!! I have a rare genetic form of Muscular Dystrophy that progresses slowly over the course of many years(which is very good because it gives me time to enjoy my life and my children to the fullest, even though I am limited in my physical tolerance). Since giving birth to my second daughter, my condition has dramatically worsened, but I'm not one to complain, so I deal with it...maybe too much so, as I am rarely taken seriously when it comes to my pain(I have an extremely high tolerance for pain, as I have lived with it all of my life). I am forced to live on SSI, which doesn't even allow me to get my own apartment without some other source of income.