Anonymous asked 7/14/2017 I was out with a group and there were some games. My crush came up and asked to played cards with me and my twin, does he like me?
Anonymous asked 7/14/2017 I was out with a group and there some games. My crush came up and asked to played cards with me and my twin, does he like me?
Moooaoa Jiaou asked 7/14/2017 My voice sounds really irritating lol when I hear mine. Is there any way I can change my voice tone and sound?
Anonymous asked 7/14/2017 "Hey baby, I´m Jake from London, I´m here looking for a horny thing to do something exciting! These pictures look exciting. Where are you from?” I really don't know how to answer this, please help
Anonymous asked 7/14/2017 if a sperm goes through the uterus and you take a morning after pill can u stil get pregnant?
Ancient One asked 7/13/2017 Without giving a reason, which year of you life so far has been your best year? Which has been your worse?
Ancient One asked 7/13/2017 What first hand experience have you had or witnessed in your life that has been etched in your mind and soul for ever?
mary adam asked 7/13/2017 In an age of accelerating over-population, of accelerating over-organisation and ever more efficient means of mass communication how can we preserve the integrity and reassert the value of the human individual?
mary adam asked 7/13/2017 How did man survive before they found fire? Boiling water sanitises it, but how did man not die before leaning this?
Skip Gentry asked 7/13/2017 Have you ever found a snake in your house, garage, or yard? What did you do?
Anonymous asked 7/13/2017 My father licked my vagina when I was young, about 5 years old. My mother knew about it but didn't do anything. Was I molested by my father?
Anonymous asked 7/13/2017 I'm just back from vacation with my bf, we stayed at his family's beach house for 10 days. Now, he expects that I should pay for the lodging as if I were at a hotel?? We just had a huge fight about that.
Anonymous asked 7/13/2017 I'm a 54 year old woman small build, blood pressure of 95/43. Is this normal?
Anonymous asked 7/13/2017 Help-promised self id be healthier/prettier as senior.Yes-naive to think could drastically change looks in 2 months.Need to lose weight,clean up acne,change wardrobe.Don't know where to start&need followthrough til end.Open-any suggestion/criticism?