Anonymous asked 8/7/2017 I put a puppy shirt on my puppy for the very first time now she is acting super weird. Why??
Otis Campbell asked 8/7/2017 Its national lighthouse day. National. Raspeeries a cream day.isthis going to be a funday Aerie?
Firstname Refreshme lastname asked 8/6/2017 Your daily dose and word of the day. Palsy-walsy. Use it in a sentence?
Sapphire Ocean asked 8/6/2017 A friend of mine took videos and saved them, of me doing silly things while on vacation. I would like those videos, but I don't know how to ask for them without seeming weird or obsessive. Also, this was a few weeks ago so me asking is very random?
Roy Roy asked 8/6/2017 In the past people were buried with the items they would need in the afterlife, what would you want buried with you so you could use it in the afterlife?
Roy Roy asked 8/6/2017 If you were given five million dollars to open a small museum, what kind of museum would you create?
Davidson Johnson asked 8/6/2017 Back wheel on Yellow Box near Hammersmith, London , UK Because front car don't want to move even after horn. Traffic was moving slowly slowly. I don't mind paying the fine but don't want any point on my license as I just start driving not even a month ago?
Ray Dart asked 8/6/2017 In the UK, we have a crime of "Misconduct in a Public Office". Should it be used to prosecute politicians who have knowingly lied in order to pursue a personal agenda?
Otis Campbell asked 8/6/2017 Its national root beer foat day National american fsmily day.. So is this yourday?
Patricia Walker asked 8/6/2017 I have Teamsters union 18 years. I now have 1199 union , so would both benefit me?