Firstname Refreshme lastname asked 9/18/2017 Portentous. Your word of the day. Ah...not so fast. This is skill testing.Your challenge is to make it rhyme with an imediate second sentence?
HappyTo BeHereTo asked 9/18/2017 If you had to make a piece of art to put in a museum, what medium would you choose to work with?
HappyTo BeHereTo asked 9/18/2017 You can't take it with you, but if you could... What earthly delight would you want for all eternity?
Tom Jackson asked 9/18/2017 Where can I find the "Rosetta stone" that wilt allow me associate the new names and avatars with those I am more familiar with?
Darik Majoren asked 9/18/2017 A fun game. I am a Fictional character from a 50's - 60's TV show. I am a married man. Who am I?
Yin And Yang asked 9/18/2017 Can you think of anyone we lost when the name thing happened? Maybe we can get a hold of them to get em back?
Yin And Yang asked 9/18/2017 Have you ever accidentally used the wrong emoji for something you sent to someone?
Anonymous asked 9/18/2017 Is it rude to knock a bathroom door to determine whether it's occupied? My co-workers always try & open the door instead of knocking which seems much ruder to me.
Top-rated Blurt asked 9/18/2017 Please note - the chat has moved to a new page. You can find the link at the bottom of the page?
Anonymous asked 9/18/2017 What Would Happen To Me If I Shrunk, And My Friend's Girlfriend Swallowed Me Whole?