Anonymous asked 11/4/2010 Is it safe to still take prenatal vitamins after a hysterectomy if you still have both ovaries?
mona mohamud asked 11/1/2010 What potentially Harmful substances can pass through the plaCENTA TO THE FOETUS?
Ivory House asked 10/14/2010 My period is due tomorrow(10-15-10), but I don't know if it's going to come. I've been having minor cramps and have tender breast, but not too bad. I've been REALLY tired lately and my appetite is changing. Could I be pregnant?
Jenna Lezped asked 10/8/2010 My 3 year old girl is touching her vagina. Is she getting sexually aroused at this young age?
OmzzTenicia dont'Stop asked 9/23/2010 Well my period is very late. Im on day 41 and it usually comes between 28 and 33 days. I've also been having some cramping like i do whe i menstruate but i too two $1 test and they were negative. Can i be pregnant?
Anonymous asked 9/22/2010 Had my period 2 weeks ago. Now I'm spotting a brownish-pink color. Should I be concerned?