Anonymous asked 2/3/2015 I have vaginal itching with a very watery discharge. There is no odor. What could cause this?
Anonymous asked 1/29/2015 I had my period 2 weeks ago, now its bleeding when I wipe with cramping back pain and very sore breast. I had my tubes tied 6 years ago?
tanu Subbu asked 1/29/2015 I am fertile, and my tubes are patent and block free, Then why am I still not getting pregnant? I am worried a lot.
Jessica Verello asked 1/29/2015 My period is 17 days early, at least I think it's my period. I know its not normal, what does it mean?
Jenay Lashawn Jenay asked 1/23/2015 I haven't had a period since 11/22/2014. I haven't taken a test neither, I heard its best to wait until you miss two periods. But is it possible I could be pregnant?
Anonymous asked 1/21/2015 I had my last period on 28th on Dec. I had sex 2 days before I ovulated and the day I did ovulate. This was 9 days ago. My next period is due in 6 days. When would I be able to find out if I am pregnant?
Anonymous asked 1/21/2015 I have a regular period ever 28 days and this month I started 4 days early. This is not normal for me can anyone tell me what this means?
Ebony Sunshine asked 1/17/2015 I have discovered a pinkish brown discharge two days after my period is this normal? This is the first time I have experienced this.
Anonymous asked 1/15/2015 Why does clear stuff come out my nipples? I missed my period for 3 months. Could I be pregnant?
Laura scheme asked 1/12/2015 I started birth control in August 2014, and I've been having unusual periods. The past two periods I've had have lasted two weeks & bleeding heavily. Now, a week after having a two week period, I've started yet again and this time it's worse. Help?
RUSSELL RTT asked 1/8/2015 How can my girlfriend grow her female mustache hairier, thicker, and more colorful?