Firstname Refreshme lastname asked 1/4/2016 What is the largest bird ( size and approx weight ) that you have witnessed perched on a power line?
Anonymous asked 12/8/2015 My adult male duck is acting weird, he cant keep his balance and keeps running into things. He acts as if he's drunk. Why?
Alize Townsend asked 12/2/2015 My Asian Forest Scorpion found his way up his terrarium wall and decided to hang upside down from the mesh wire top, its been 2 days (has not moved for water or food) and hes becoming increasingly unresponsive to any stimulation. Is he okay?
Anonymous asked 11/25/2015 What are some common animals found in all ecozones in Saskatchewan? What are some reasons that animals are found in their specific ecozones and not in another?
tyler hurry asked 11/25/2015 Will a 22 lr kill a deer? Anyone used one and killed deer or to people that are a very expert hunter.
Linilla Schmidt asked 11/5/2015 Why do you suppose a grown, heavy owl flew through the windowpane clear into our living room last night? Is something disturbing birds' flight instincts nowadays,A& should I report this? Where? Would bird authorities even be interested?