Metris Turner asked 9/26/2012 What does it mean if i was biten by a two headed snake that chased me out of the grass when i moved a rock?
Ita Makalun asked 8/3/2012 What bug is this: It's round and black with six legs and a tiny white spot on the end of it?
Christine Duong asked 1/31/2012 1) Explain overproduction of offspring 2) Explain genetic variation 3) Explain struggle for existence 4) Explain survival and reproduction of the fittest 5) Give an example of structural adaptation of an octopus?
Addilynn All Star asked 9/19/2011 So if we really did evolve from apes...why are apes still roaming earth? 8)
Addilynn All Star asked 7/28/2011 Ever Killed A House Fly? Theres a fly been hovering around me for hours and its getting annoying , dnt wanna ninja chop it , im not in the mood , any normal ways of getting rid of the pest? (widows are open!)
meg mor asked 7/19/2011 I caught a northwestern garter snake in my back yard and its tail was cut off and Im wondering what to do about it?!?!?!?!
Ray Dart asked 7/14/2011 Why is it that just after I have repainted the white cladding at the front of my house, every insect in the area considers it necessary to commit hara-kiri on it?
luke hammond asked 7/8/2011 Recently my non built in swimming pool has had algae growing in it and we have seen thinks that look like tadpoles but we didnt see the eggs or anything so are they tadpoles or are they somthing else all though we have seen a few frogs in the garden?
aimi amirah suhaimi asked 6/24/2011 What is the important of amniotic cavity and the function of mammalian placenta?
Anonymous asked 6/23/2011 Would you let your kids watch Care Bears if it was rated M, MA or even R or X?
Belle asked 6/15/2011 If you could be reincarnated and come back to life as an animal, which one would it be and why?
taylor asked 6/9/2011 How do you stop bleeding on your ear? I got a mosquito bite and I scratched it so much I got a scab on the top part of my ear. I picked the scab off and it won't stop bleeding. Should I put a huge plaster on it?
Aaron Daniels asked 5/23/2011 I want to be swallowed by a snake that any of you people have. I am 13 and weigh 138. I live in Edgewood so you're gonna have to be near. I'm really serious - I would love to be food for your big snake?