Philip Carpenter asked 7/8/2015 What's a good place that someone with aspergers and executive function disorder can ask questions at?
HelpStop AnimalAbuse asked 7/3/2015 I have heard that some people are still using the Ask community & are logged in & communicating with other users. Is this Myth or Fact?
Firstname Refreshme lastname asked 7/2/2015 Has anyone tried posing a question on the new Ask ? If so, how did you feel about the results ??
Woof Woofy asked 6/24/2015 Im really missing Sodahead and the community I once belonged too. @People from, How do you feel that your site is also going down the tubes?
Ray Dart asked 6/20/2015 If people resort to pointless insults on Q&A websites, does it mean they lack social graces, they have lost an argument, or merely that they really have nothing much else to contribute?
Rachel Reader asked 6/18/2015 Can I please get some recommendations for fun picture websites besides instagram and pinterest? Those are great but I want to see what else there is
Yo Kass asked 6/16/2015 I heard that Amazon is going to start paying normal people to help deliver packages on their way to work etc... What do you think about that? Would you do it? How would you feel as an Amazon customer?
Firstname Refreshme lastname asked 6/14/2015 Will the time zone that I'm in affect when I can make my last remarks on on June 30th?
Didge Doo asked 6/13/2015 Is it coincidental that Askers and Sodaheads have arrived here at the same time? Were both sites owned by the same company?