Nice Girl asked 12/12/2015 Do you feel ashamed to be a citizen of the United States of America with the current situation going on right now with America killing thousands of people directly...or maybe indirectly?
Holly D'Anna asked 11/28/2015 Is it a conspiracy that Russia wants to attack Turkey right after Thanksgiving?
TJ Minotti asked 11/19/2015 My teacher is making describe the issue and U.S. relationship/stance to four different current events.They are Russia, Paris, Israel/Palestine, and one of my choice. I have searched for hours, but can't find anything?
N. Harmonik asked 11/7/2015 Before and during World War II, didn't several people flee Germany, only to be caught or sent running again when the Nazis invaded the countries they fled to because they didn't flee far enough?
Rooster Cogburn asked 10/26/2015 If the R.A.F. hadn't beaten the Luftwaffe in 1940, could Operation Sea Lion possibly have succeeded?
Daan Scatozza asked 10/23/2015 Does anyone know a type of fighter, preferably medieval, which is not classified as a warrior?
RIK RZ asked 10/14/2015 Why does everyone keep talking about how bad the Germans were but no one remembers the bad things the British did?(No offense to anyone)
Benjamin Coleman asked 10/11/2015 Would you join me in sending out my condolences and thoughts to the families of the victims and survivors of the Turkish bombings in Ankara?
Rooster Cogburn asked 9/30/2015 Does anyone know the names of the two "Superbattleships" that Japan built for WW2? And the name of the third that was converted to an Aircraft carrier?