KB Baldwin asked 10/2/2016 Is there a way to insert photographs or images into my questions? I don;t see any symbols like I see when I answer a question here.
Firstname Refreshme lastname asked 11/10/2015 When a person asks a question on here anonymously...is it 100 % anonymous?
Yo Kass asked 6/20/2015 Is finding questions to answer on Blurtit easy enough? What do you think of the Popular/New/Mine/Feed options... which do you use most?
Doo Koo asked 6/10/2015 On Blurtit, do you prefer questions that can be easily googled for a specific answer or questions that are a bit "off-the-wall"?
ifty mahmud asked 2/1/2015 Do you think that computers make most people's jobs easier or more difficult? explain your answer.
hilary newton asked 11/22/2013 I just got back on here and don't really recognize it as it was a few year ago, as you can't really see friends' profiles or interact? Before or after? What's beat and why?
Yo Kass asked 10/18/2013 What kind of questions would you like to see more of on Blurtit? And how can we improve the process of finding questions to answer?
Yo Kass asked 10/18/2013 If Blurtit launched a mobile app that provided a different experience from the website, what would you like it to do?
Yo Kass asked 9/5/2013 How do you find questions to answer on Blurtit? And what could Blurtit do to make it easier for you to find questions that are relevant to your interests?
Anonymous asked 9/4/2013 Who else thinks it's stupid that you have to have a social account to sign in? Like I have a blurtit, and now I can't even log into it, because you have to have a social account. Soooo stupid!!!
Melinda Moore asked 5/5/2013 How should I go about drawing attention to what I write on Blurtit using Google+?