Anonymous asked 3/27/2014 What is the difference between a star system, a galaxy, a cluster, and a super cluster?
Anita Dweells asked 11/24/2013 Will humans ever be able to explore beyond the solar-system and build a new world?
Anonymous asked 6/28/2013 How much time would Earth have taken to come in its novel form after being detached from sun? Why?
Kathryn Wright asked 5/24/2013 Do you believe that we really landed on the Moon or do you think it is fake?
Tony Newcastle asked 2/4/2011 Are there certain times of the year when there is no moon in the sky, at all? --When are these times; and can you sky-gazers explain this phenomenon?
Gigi Young asked 1/6/2011 1. The earth, Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus all revolve around the sun. The earth takes 1 yr, Jupiter 12 yrs, Saturn 30 yrs, and Uranus 84 yrs to make a complete revolution. How often will Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus have the same position in the night?