valentine sapers asked 1/10/2015 Do you think people of ages 18-22 as kids/adolescents or do you think of them as adults?
Anonymous asked 12/8/2014 Why do some students take up smoking and what effect does this have on their lives?
Anonymous asked 10/7/2014 i am a 13 year old boy whenever i go somewhere girls of age range 0-8 always come to me either to play with me or tease(disturb) me. It is cute and all and I like it but I just want to know why it happens. I am also childish sometimes?
Anonymous asked 9/16/2014 I want to know if I am ugly or handsome and will a pretty girl date me? This is the link - look at the photo then please say the truth and only the truth.
Anonymous asked 8/1/2014 I hate my disrespectful abusive selfish daughter and want her out of my life?
Anonymous asked 7/13/2013 What do you think about "Twerking"? Is this dance craze a sign that the youth of today are become over-sexualized?
Melinda Moore asked 5/11/2013 If you could give your teenage self the advice you wish you'd been given at the time, what would you say?
Isela Tesucum asked 1/16/2011 Why does my son drink until he gets drunk?can't he tell when he has had enough
Eternity Mickens asked 12/27/2010 Should teenagers like myself be allowed to curse or go 2 the mall skating rink or movies by themselves but with their friends?
Anonymous asked 10/1/2009 I Found A Yellow Star Shaped Pill With The Imprint 11 On It In My Sons Room. What Is This?