Jackson Fergie asked 11/23/2015 My laptop is an asus republic of gamers, do you know if this laptop supports a surround sound setup?
Corey The Goofyhawk asked 11/21/2015 What PC microphone would you recommend for a person on a budget and for creating voice acting for animations and gaming videos?
Adnan Shaikh asked 11/21/2015 If a website doesn't hold copyright of user generated content, who owns it? Or are we free to use such content?
Kristen Storm asked 11/20/2015 Any suggestions for either an X-Box one game or pc game to get my hubby for Christmas? He loves games like Forza (we already have Forza 6) and FPS
Daan Scatozza asked 11/20/2015 Any other type of attack than melee and ranged or at least something that is not exactly one of the two?
Anonymous asked 11/18/2015 My husband is sending and receiving text messages from his number, it's only showing his phone number receiving and sending these text? Is there an app he is letting someone use his phone number to converse with?
Firstname Refreshme lastname asked 11/16/2015 On a cell phone, if you place a person on a rejection list... What will they encounter when they call or text?
SuperFly Original asked 11/15/2015 Is there a free way to LIVE stream your computers screen for free? not this kinda stuff: https://livestream.com/producer/software
Anonymous asked 11/12/2015 When you're working with a word processing document and you press the Del key, what happens?