Anonymous asked 8/14/2017 how does technology impact an individual? what are the advantages and disadvantages of it?
Call me Z asked 6/17/2017 Have humans had a "Golden Age", and if so, when was it, or is it ongoing or yet to come?
Roy Roy asked 5/26/2017 What is your favorite type of technology that’s outdated/not made anymore/obsolete, one that you miss?
Jada Shakira Webster asked 4/15/2017 How do you play YouTube while you play another app? I get a bit bored on Kidblock without DanTDM or Kyutie in the background...
Johnny Bravo asked 1/27/2017 How can I make a video of in game gameplay with characters moving/dancing like I am in real life?
Anonymous asked 1/10/2017 Need some online sources in English that present DAILY NEWS about modern life. Sources about modern/high-tech unique subjects in any field EXCITING FOR COMMON PEOPLE. E.g. high tech bridges, smart houses, newest techniques to cure diseases etc?
lady horse asked 1/5/2017 I think our microwave is's just not heating things up like it used there a way to repair it?
Daniel Matthy asked 1/4/2017 Do your elders reproach you of spending too much time on your mobile phone?
James Morris asked 1/3/2017 Which phone is better to get? The new iPhone 7 or the Samsung galaxy S7? I've been looking at both phones for a couple weeks now and have yet to find something to truly sell me on either one. Any help would be much appreciated.
Goranko Knin asked 1/3/2017 When I was using Facebook, I saw that Facebook wants to know everything about its users. Why does Facebook ask for every information about its users? Other websites wants to know less information about their users.
Ethan Baker asked 12/31/2016 All kind of headphones on my phone (Galaxy 4.1) won't work. I've come to learn that the problem isn't my headphones, but the outlet its self. Any way to fix this?
Anonymous asked 12/19/2016 I would like to send a photo to a friend but I deleted it for some reason. Is there a way to back up my phone onto my laptop? Also, as of now, my laptop is a Chromebook.
Love and Harmony asked 12/5/2016 I'm a Sophomore in college. My major is Computer Science. I don't have any experience working in the field. My plan is to get an internship during my senior year. Then get a full time job after completing my undergrad. Does this plan sound viable? Or do I need to be more active in making connections and gaining experience?