Anonymous asked 6/18/2015 What is the most infuriating thing you have ever heard someone say that just made you think 'how could someone possibly be that ignorant/arrogant/close-minded etc.'?
Anonymous asked 1/18/2015 Explain what strategic information any MIS is unlikely to be able to provide?
Anonymous asked 5/24/2013 What are the advantages and disadvantages of passing a message to another person by oral communication compared to written communication, such as a letter?
Andrea Heatherington asked 4/30/2013 How hard is it to learn a second language as an adult? I am trying to learn Norwegian, for fun, and have become discouraged.
Rob Barwell asked 3/19/2013 I want to learn French. I have a very basic knowledge but just wondered if anyone could recommend a good starting point such as books, apps or websites to pick it back up?
Anonymous asked 8/7/2010 Describe two real-life examples where rational expressions are used at home. For ideas, look in the textbook or online and look around you at home and see what strikes you as being similar in your own life. What examples do you see? Describe two o