Anonymous asked 10/18/2010 Why Can't High School Wrestlers Wrestle Shirtless? High School And College Wrestlers Used To Wrestle Without Shirts, As Do Modern UFC Fighters.
~Darren~ ~BigBoySly~ asked 6/5/2010 What Happened To Wwe Superstar The Undertaker , He Was Found In A Vegetative State Over Memorial Day Weekend, Whose Responsible For This Happening?
alysha -------- asked 4/24/2010 Does Heath Slater (on Wwe's Nxt) Has Or Wants Kids And A Wife Or A Girlfriend?
Anonymous asked 3/10/2010 Two Boxers Are In A Boxing Match (regular Boxing, Not Kick Boxing). The Fight Is Scheduled For 12 Rounds But Ends After 6 Rounds, After One Boxer Knocks Out The Other Boxer. Yet No Man Throws A Punch. How Is This Possible?