Anonymous asked 9/15/2017 To be a helicopter driver for snowboarders or sky divers to set them in a location, do you have to be hired for that, as a specific driver or you could be a regular helicopter driver?
Anonymous asked 11/13/2016 How do Indian IT people get jobs so quickly when they come to America? Do they know something we don't? Or is it because there are just more of them? I'd prefer if people from the field responded...
otis campbell asked 10/18/2016 Should pro athelets have a dress and looks code because all tatted up and earings in the nfl look trashy or not??
Anonymous asked 6/19/2016 How can i get training as a tight rope walker? Im 13 and live in London and dream of becoming a tightrope artist but i don't know where to start... Help?
otis campbell asked 1/28/2016 Why dont they have a superbowl series the best of three games like baseball world series? It would rake in mega money
otis campbell asked 1/24/2016 Should pro sports players have to shave and cut their hair and look good. Some of them look scraggly?
Firstname Refreshme lastname asked 11/24/2015 Who is the highest paid professional athlete... in 2015?