The Expert asked 12/29/2015 Many scientists think that there may be single cell organisms on one of Jupiter's moons, as it has all the ingredients needed for life. NASA is sending a probe to orbit Jupiter and scan Europa for life forms. Do you think they will find anything?
otis otiscambell asked 11/24/2015 If you were an astronaut, would you want to have sex in outer space in zero gravity just to see what it is like or to do it for NASA scientist?
Chewed Bubblegum asked 10/3/2015 What do you think would happen if they found actual water on Mars? Would we attempt to live there? Send people over? Or just continue to research?
Ray Dart asked 6/13/2015 What do you think about dark matter? Does it really exist, or has it been invented to "explain away" mathematical problems that occur when analysing gravitational effects in the "universe we know"?
Anonymous asked 3/5/2015 On Jupiter would a person choke in the atmosphere, be squashed by the extreme gravity, float with ease, freeze, burn up, or something else?
Anonymous asked 11/16/2014 Why would it be beneficial to use bacteria for food production in space instead of using machines and chemicals?