Christopher Adereti asked 7/23/2014 In a society where people are constantly exposed to explicit things and rash decisions... Who's more to blame: Those that negatively influence? Or those that are negatively influenced?
The Hon. J. Hamilton asked 7/22/2014 Is there room for debate on the pressures faced by our youth to conform to the norms of society and its stereotypical groups in order to make friends and be accepted? Will there be a time when we are not judged by appearance or social status?
Anonymous asked 7/16/2014 Did President Obama sign the bill to extend federal unemployment benefits for 2014?
Anonymous asked 6/17/2014 Was I abused as a child, or un-diagnosed Aspbergers? I have always had trouble looking people in the eye for all sorts of reasons, I've never liked the idea of being around a crowd, and I'm not sure if it was from being abused or if I have Aspergers.
Anonymous asked 6/16/2014 What career involves, writing, art, politics, saving lives, social justice and behind the scenes crime fighting?