HappyTo BeHereTo asked 7/11/2016 Is it Normal Nobody's birthday? Heck yeah!!!!! Time for a Blurtit Birthday Blowout!!! Did someone say party?
Jann Nikka asked 7/11/2016 Friends we missed Zack Mr. GenXer Birthday. Please join me wishing him a Blurtit Happy Birthday🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂.
Jaimie JT asked 7/10/2016 What's your thoughts on Mondays ? Or one word you'd use to describe Monday ? I don't want it to be almost Monday :/
HappyTo BeHereTo asked 7/8/2016 You've been exiled. You deserved it. No country will take you. What's the name of the country you created? Do your subjects love or fear you?
HappyTo BeHereTo asked 7/8/2016 You've been exiled. You deserved it. Fortunately, you can choose any country to live in. Where will you go?
otis campbell asked 7/8/2016 its national chocolate almond day and classic car appreciation day so what is your flavour?
otis campbell asked 7/7/2016 in 2015 990 were shot by police yet most were white people. so why isnt their a white lifes matter movement or all lifes matter movement? seems like reverse discrimination?
Jann Nikka asked 7/7/2016 I briefly heard a news story about a homeless man who accidentally left $187,000 in a cab. The Cabbie return the $187,000. The homeless man gave him $100 reward. Fair?
otis campbell asked 7/7/2016 its national strawberry sundae day and national macaronni day which one is your favorite?
Jann Nikka asked 7/6/2016 I need to fax a paper to a branch of the Federal Government, I made a date mistake I put 6/6/2016 and it should be 7/6/2016. Now, I can white it out very neatly, should I? Since, I will have the original.
DDX Project asked 7/6/2016 Are TSA agents what you get when you put uneducated people in positions of authority? They just bloodily attacked a little deaf, blind, paralyzed girl that's suffering from cancer.
HappyTo BeHereTo asked 7/5/2016 When's the last time you wore a costume? What was the best costume you ever wore?
otis campbell asked 7/5/2016 ita national bikini day and national apple turnover day and national graham cracker day. so what's your flavor??
Corey The Goofyhawk asked 7/4/2016 The latest trend on Twitter is the hashtag "AmericaWasNeverGreat" especially pushed during the 4th of July celebrations. Your thoughts?
Max Glazer asked 7/4/2016 Happy 4th of July to everyone in America! What is your favorite thing to do on this day?