Anonymous asked 9/5/2010 Specific government organizations in a firm's immediate task environment are called: Substitutes, economic indicators, new entrants or regulators?
Anonymous asked 9/5/2010 The mean of all the sample means and the population mean will; a) always be equal, b) always be normally distributed, c.) characterized by the standard error of the mean, or d.) None of these?
Anonymous asked 9/1/2010 What are some topics for "Debate and Diplomacy in History: Success, Failures, and consequences."?
Anonymous asked 8/28/2010 Do you think we are still operating under the same premise of the U.S. Nonworking poor not being treated better than the lowest-wage earners? Why or Why not? What are the benefits and detriments of the current system in the U.S?
Anonymous asked 8/24/2010 What is the quality of the site upon which the Parthenon was built that underlines the ancient-Greek belief that such a building speaks of human intellect, separate and above earthly concerns?
Anonymous asked 8/23/2010 In what ways have politicians used the Internet in campaigning and in staying in touch with constituents?