sharie grl asked 5/1/2011 What does this say to you? Lev. 20:13, "If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltness is upon them"
Maxine Chan asked 4/26/2011 Who listens to music not in your primary language? I listen to some spanish songs.
m. Azeem Ul Haq asked 4/13/2011 What were the consequences of the failure of the War of Independence of 1857 with special reference to its effect on the Muslims of South Asia? Please describe in details.
priya asked 4/9/2011 Do you think it is better to elect someone president for life?or it is better to hold regular elections every year?
Karen asked 4/3/2011 What has happened to Margaret Thatcher? What do people think about her? Does she have any connections with the Royal family?
Abubakar Sheikh asked 3/15/2011 Moral responsibilities african government help coca beans slavery farmers?
Ravneel Nilesh Pratap asked 3/13/2011 Why is gender identification so important to human growth and development?
Christa Grace asked 3/8/2011 Who thinks it's dumb that the U.S.'s gas price is going up all because of the president in Egypt?