Jaimie JT asked 7/10/2016 What's your thoughts on Mondays ? Or one word you'd use to describe Monday ? I don't want it to be almost Monday :/
Jann Nikka asked 7/7/2016 I briefly heard a news story about a homeless man who accidentally left $187,000 in a cab. The Cabbie return the $187,000. The homeless man gave him $100 reward. Fair?
Jann Nikka asked 7/6/2016 I need to fax a paper to a branch of the Federal Government, I made a date mistake I put 6/6/2016 and it should be 7/6/2016. Now, I can white it out very neatly, should I? Since, I will have the original.
Corey The Goofyhawk asked 7/4/2016 The latest trend on Twitter is the hashtag "AmericaWasNeverGreat" especially pushed during the 4th of July celebrations. Your thoughts?
Cookie Roma asked 7/1/2016 Omg. Dhaka, Bangladesh........it's happening again!! When will we believe that this is a world wide war?
Dance like a gypsy asked 7/1/2016 Is there really a point of putting social justice issues on kids shows? Toddlers don't care about that stuff! All they want to do is play, destroy an entire house and eat everything! And they don't even have attention spans.
N. Harmonik asked 6/25/2016 Why is it that when a Caucasian and/or Christian guy shoots people in America, people are like "Meh" or "He was mentally ill" but when a Muslim shoots people in America, people are like "Roar" and "It's because of his religion"?
Fitz Raijin .Wada asked 6/25/2016 hi guys! do you think UK's economy will rise after leaving the EU and obtaining their INDEPENDENCE? best wishes to UK god bless!!
Anonymous asked 6/20/2016 Many young children are made to beg or steal on the streets. What do you feel about this? What role do you think society can play in stopping this exploitation?
Perry Nuttal asked 6/19/2016 Why are there 33 degrees in freemasonry? What happens when you reach the 33rd?
Tom Jackson asked 6/18/2016 I just noticed on the internet that Sarah Palin referred to President Obama as being "a special kind of stupid" for demanding "gun owners explain themselves." So what kind of adjective might you use you use to describe HER comment?
PJ Stein asked 6/18/2016 So Disney has put up warning signs for alligators and snakes throughout their parks, and are putting fences up along the shores of the lakes. Did you know gators can climb a fence?