otis campbell asked 2/27/2016 Hey good morning everyone i hope everyone has a good day the shine is being shipped out so happy face day😍😍😍?
HappyTo BeHereTo asked 2/27/2016 Congrats!!!! You won a year's supply of whatever your heart desires! 👏👏👏 What did you get?
Mahnoor Ali Khan Yousufzai asked 2/23/2016 Are you more close to nature or technology, or what you want to be more close with?
Anonymous asked 2/11/2016 do you think skinny dipping is totally shameless and shocking and should be illegal?
Anonymous asked 2/5/2016 I'm a 12th november 1986 scorpio and my Chinese sign is tiger. When learning martial arts which star sign is ideal instructor for me? Who's most loyal friendships/buisness partnerships or love relationships with me?
mog mog asked 2/5/2016 dear people - how might one create -- a new thought -- as in --- not things that already exist or combinations of them --- -- i desperately need help with this - any and all - responses are appreciated -?
Anonymous asked 1/27/2016 The ability of people to feel varying ranges of intensity in emotional experiences is measured by the...?
Anonymous asked 10/10/2015 What do Freud, Piaget and Mead theories of socialization have in common? In what ways do their theories differ?