Zack - Mr. GenXer asked 1/4/2017 Do the Republicans actually have an alternative to Obamacare if they are going to pick it a part?
Aniyah Jeter asked 12/30/2016 How to get over the fear of presenting in front of class? And some tips.
Suicidal Nova asked 12/27/2016 How can i stop caring about what people think and how they judge me? How can i find myself and be myself without being bothered by others judgments?
N. Harmonik asked 12/14/2016 Why do humans need laws in order to keep themselves safe, like bicycle and seat belt laws, instead of keeping themselves safe without actually being told to?
Otis Campbell asked 11/9/2016 Do u think the electorial college system is fair? Hillary got the majority in popular vote but lost in elec. College?
falcon max asked 11/8/2016 how to respond to someone or a group thats tell you " you are invading my or our space" to avoid any trouble?
Anonymous asked 11/2/2016 how to respond to police officers when he or she stops you on the street because accidentally or by mistake someone thinks that you are following them?
Jann Nikka asked 10/26/2016 I'm watching the news, about people overcoming their personal hidden racism.Are you a Racist?Before you jump with NO and you got a rainbow in your family and a half dozen rainbow of friends. Think deeply.Please no links or if the world did this or that. This is about YOU.
Anonymous asked 10/20/2016 How can I deal with anxiety specially during tests and exams? Thanks in advance.
Anonymous asked 10/3/2016 If someone clearly likes you but have yet to say it, then they suddenly seem distant and uninterested... Could that be due to the family issues they have going on at home?
Anonymous asked 9/13/2016 What is better: To have someone special that lives in another country or To have no one at all?
Toxic Hairball asked 9/4/2016 If there is a famous or infamous person or people whose notoriety or deeds you could erase from history, who would it be?
otis campbell asked 8/31/2016 Chicago has had the worst violence in twenty yrs 78 murdered in august alone black on black crime now where is black lifes matter??
Zack - Mr. GenXer asked 8/8/2016 Exactly when could the Republican Party have stopped Trump from getting as far as he has?
Anonymous asked 6/27/2016 What are some of the social or social psychological problems in US? For instance, domestic violence, or low marriage rate?