HappyTo BeHereTo asked 10/9/2017 Party time! 🎉 What's something new in your life to celebrate? (: The little things are worth celebrating too. :)
dragonfly forty-six asked 1/8/2017 What would you think if you recieved an invitation to a baby shower, at a local diner, asked to bring money for your own lunch (dutch), and the mommy only wants diapers and wipes?
Tobi Son asked 11/29/2016 I'm a guy and a girl today told me that I have a nice box! I have no idea what this means, does anyone know?
Nice Girl asked 9/26/2016 Users belonging to which age group use blurtit the most on a daily basis? Like any idea or a guess or anything?
Archer Bexley asked 9/15/2016 Is it inappropriate for me to ask my fiancé to ask his sister's boyfriend not to propose 1-2 weeks before our wedding? Because that is what he plans to do.
Anonymous asked 8/30/2016 I'm having a 16th birthday party at my house in 2 weeks. I have no idea on what to do. I'm inviting guys and girls ages 8 through 18. I'm also on a VERY low budget so I can't do games or anything. Help?
Sophia Tortilla asked 4/16/2016 I have a dilemma including friends and my birthday party, i'll explain below?
Anonymous asked 3/4/2016 How can I improve my social skills, I don't know where to look and how to respond with what I feel is appropriate (I smile when nervous), what should I do?
ZombieE Lee asked 12/17/2015 Do you guys have any idea what some of the gifts are that you will be receiving for Christmas?
Rooster Cogburn asked 11/10/2015 Do you hang out a flag on Veterans Day or do you forget or just not do it?
Micah cook asked 10/6/2015 My friend wants to take me to Comic Con for my birthday in October (Santa Fe). I have heard of comic con but never really knew what it was, any idea?
Anonymous asked 8/22/2015 What gifts/foods, etc., should you bring if you're invited to Arab Muslim's home for dinner? Is it rude to give something home/hand made? And what is proper etiquette for greetings, conversing, dining, etc.?
Anonymous asked 8/13/2015 My sleepover's next week but I have no idea what to have as food. I don't have a theme so don't mention themes. Something cool un-messy and easy to make would be best thx?
Anonymous asked 7/26/2015 Can you come to my lil sister birthday party Sep.25 please I am begging you to come?
Anonymous asked 6/28/2015 Should I go to this class reunion? I am invited to a class reunion but it is the year head of my class. But it is the year I should have finished school if not for my mother.