Chocolatey Goodness asked 6/23/2015 What is some small "insignificant" thing that makes you blissfully happy?
Braelyn Rocker asked 5/21/2015 Does anyone have any organizing tips? I have lots of stuff and I know I don't need it all right now, but not sure how to store it. Can anyone help make list or close? I suck at organizing on my own and my friends don't help, cause they get me off task xD
shealyn hally asked 10/15/2014 What can I do because I'm bitting my nails which I don't want to do. What are some ways to stop?
Storm Le Cras asked 7/21/2014 I have this problem where people are talking to me... but for some reason i just don't listen & even when i keep telling myself to listen.. i cant. Can anyone help?
Raul Stewart asked 6/2/2014 Given the chance would you relive your life from the beginning (with a planned conscience) or continue to live life as it is?
Adila Adila asked 4/30/2014 Can we really master anything if we put our minds to it? Or are some things just not meant to be?
Dj The Sweetheart asked 3/1/2014 What do you do if you know something could really change your life, but you're scared of that change? Do you go for it, or keep the status quo?
Anonymous asked 2/22/2014 Can you explain the purpose and benefits of recognising and learning from mistakes?
Megan Alves asked 2/16/2014 What is something someone could do for you in one minute that would make your day amazing?
Blurt It asked 1/5/2014 What is one thing that is absolutely impossible, but that you REALLY want to do?