bhavya sharma asked 5/7/2016 list 5 things done by humans that affect the environment positively or negatively?
Love and Harmony asked 5/6/2016 How do I sort a class array in C++? The array has stock info. I need to sort based on sector. (stocks.getStockSector()). Check first "answer" for more info...
Anonymous asked 5/5/2016 what is the method of measuring the distance of star/planet /galaxy which are thousands light years away from us ? what is the accuracy?
Anonymous asked 5/3/2016 *why is it so important to have a light bulb in our daily life? *why do we need light bulbs *how many types of light blub we have? *is it important to have a light bulbs in our house or anywhere
Anonymous asked 5/1/2016 For a circular waveguide with a radius of 1 cm and a desired frequency of operation of 10 GHz (for dominant), determine:cutoff frequency,cut-off wavelength,group velocity,phase velocity,propagation wavelength,characteristic impedance?
Nicole Ashley asked 4/29/2016 Anyone here good at Chemistry? 😩 If yes, I posted pic in comments of a question I'm stuck on!
Ray Dart asked 4/27/2016 How does an energy-rich country like Venezuela find itself so short of electricity that its workers are only allowed to work two days a week to conserve power?