Anonymous asked 2/3/2018 Jacobium is a radioactive metal with a half life of 20 years it contains 128 radioactive atoms how many years will it take to decay to 2 radioactive atoms?
Anonymous asked 9/10/2017 How do cognitive psychologists explain thinking? How can they prove thoughts exist?
mary adam asked 7/16/2017 Do you think that from the progress of science there will come a time when man will control his own evolution with the manipulation of genes and removal of defects and disease from the gene pool? Also, what is you point of view with regards to the ethics of this and it's implications on societies structure?
Indigo Dawn asked 6/18/2017 What was the worst event out of the 2, The Chernobyl accident or the Fukashima accident?
Anonymous asked 5/10/2017 A 27.2 g silver ring (cp = 234 J/kg·°C) is heated to a temperature of 77.0°C and then placed in a calorimeter containing 5.06 ✕ 10-2 kg of water at 24.0°C?
Call me Z asked 4/25/2017 Clones. Considering any and all legal and moral contingencies, if medical science becomes able to artificially reproduce humans, should they?