RIK RZ asked 2/7/2016 Why would a subject be 101,for example Chemistry 101, Biology 101, Why not another number?
Anonymous asked 2/5/2016 I feel my son can do good in Technology as he has got the bent towards the same. He is always interested in technology. Can someone tell me how can I help him pursue this hobby after school hours? I am based in Delhi NCR.
Anonymous asked 2/5/2016 I have recently shifted to Noida. can someone tell me good schools nearby for my child to pursue 7th?
Anonymous asked 1/26/2016 Im having trouble with english. Letters appear reversed and the page moves. I cant spel and had never learnt fonics. Im in high school. I don't no what's rong with me?
Chewed Bubblegum asked 1/23/2016 Why do you think prom tickets are so expensive? I just found out ours are $60!!
Megan goodgirl asked 12/27/2015 If kids have to wake up early and go to school early then shouldn't they get off early?
Anonymous asked 12/26/2015 What is the day to day life like of an average American high school student? Like what time do they wake up and get back home or how many hours of homework to do at home usually...
Knights Basketball asked 12/15/2015 If I vomit the night before, should I still go to school the next day?
Trueshelby Shelby asked 12/14/2015 I have a project due tommorow to write an entire procedural text!!! I really need ideas for procedural texts so please please please submit your answers below! I could use the help?