Crazy Cat asked 12/29/2015 Hi! I was wondering if my red ear slider turtles can eat oranges. They won't eat any of the food I am giving them and I think it is because they are tired of it. They are both 1 year and a half old and one is male and the other is female?
Alexis Marie asked 7/19/2015 After leaving my bearded dragon for a week on vacation, she hates me. I can't touch her or get near her. What do I do?
Tashina Johnson asked 3/1/2014 My brother's giving me his lizard but I don't know what kind it is & it's not eating right and has lost a lot of weight, so I'm kind of lost on how to help it. Anyone an expert with lizards?
Caitlin Thorpe asked 1/15/2014 I need help asap: I'm getting an albino garter snake and need to know how to feed it, what to feed, and if I can pick it up? It will be a baby so help please! Also how hot to have it you know facts how to take care of it... PLEASE HELP ME?
Diane Rouse asked 12/6/2010 Purchased African Side Neck turtle (age 1 year). Question-how long can they hold their breath underwater? Are these kind of turtles more underwater kind?