Jann Nikka asked 6/17/2016 If someone you know was shot in the leg, could you pull out the bullet if it was necessary to save their leg or life?
Jann Nikka asked 6/17/2016 Are you thankful for what you have now or do you constantly complain about what you think you need and want?
Anonymous asked 6/14/2016 I'm catholic and my dad doesn't know. How can I go to sunday obligation day without him knowing?? He goes to Protestant Church and makes me go with him on Sunday's.
Anonymous asked 6/14/2016 My brother is an athiest and my mom is forcing him to a christian school on sundays. He doesn't want to go. My sister says that when he becomes a biologist he can know the other side of the argument. Do you think this is fair?
Anonymous asked 6/12/2016 we see indian secularism advocates respect of all religions.then why do some people disrespect the religion of others?
Ty Hibb asked 6/10/2016 If you were the creator how would you solve the problems of the day and leave us with "free will"?
Anonymous asked 6/8/2016 Does atheism require faith in someone or something? If so how is that different than believing in there being a creator?
Dreamer Marshmellows asked 6/5/2016 Should I convert to satanism? cause I'm a girl whose Catholic but now I feel like converting to satanism cause I have doubts about God and Jesus and if I am truly loved by them stuff like that. so I'm just wondering if I should convert?.
Perry Nuttal asked 5/29/2016 Where in the bible does it say to ask Mary and the Saints to intercede for us? Doesn't First Tim 1:25, and Hebrews 4:16 and 7.25 say to prayer to God directly?
Anonymous asked 5/29/2016 I am an atheist, and my mom and her boyfriend are VERY religious. I'm scared on how to tell my mum that I'm an atheist. What to do?!
Berthina Jamison asked 5/22/2016 I am looking for a sample welcome and occasion speech welcoming a new pastor?
Perry Nuttal asked 5/19/2016 In the Litany of Loreto the Blessed Virgin Mary is invoked as "Stella matutina" (Morning Star), Jesus is also the morning star son of dawn. Is Mary Lucifer/bringer of light/ Eos goddess of the dawn, and her son christ the same as phospherous?
Perry Nuttal asked 5/18/2016 Why is Lucifer still used as a title of Christ in the Easter Vigil in the Catholic Church’s Latin Mass?
Perry Nuttal asked 5/15/2016 Is convincing people that you are Gods chosen people a good way to control the world?
Basketball Lover asked 5/11/2016 Briefly describe (in chronological order) what happens at Sunday mass in Catholic Church? (Related to homework.)