Perry Nuttal asked 8/24/2016 Why do we call priests and the Pope father, when in the bible it says not to call anyone on earth Father? Matt 23:9 I called my dad, Father would this being going against Gods word?
Anonymous asked 8/17/2016 Christianity and Judaism believe the sacred goes beyond human existence, making them religions of __________?
Perry Nuttal asked 7/23/2016 Why did the God of the Israelites choose circumcision as a sign of his covenant? Has it anything to do with phallic worship?
Ty Hibb asked 7/22/2016 What steps need to be taken to become a Christian? So many people say that they are a Christian or are accused of being one, which raises the question.
Jann Nikka asked 6/17/2016 If someone you know was shot in the leg, could you pull out the bullet if it was necessary to save their leg or life?
Jann Nikka asked 6/17/2016 Are you thankful for what you have now or do you constantly complain about what you think you need and want?
Anonymous asked 6/14/2016 I'm catholic and my dad doesn't know. How can I go to sunday obligation day without him knowing?? He goes to Protestant Church and makes me go with him on Sunday's.
Anonymous asked 6/14/2016 My brother is an athiest and my mom is forcing him to a christian school on sundays. He doesn't want to go. My sister says that when he becomes a biologist he can know the other side of the argument. Do you think this is fair?
Anonymous asked 6/12/2016 we see indian secularism advocates respect of all religions.then why do some people disrespect the religion of others?