Anonymous asked 3/28/2016 How do get my wife to get off my a** ever since I got cancer she would drive me crazy, worst thing is, she tracked me while i was out one time, is there anyway, anyway possible to get her off my freaken a**?
Zack - Mr. GenXer asked 3/27/2016 Do you have that one friend that takes everything way too seriously?
Anonymous asked 3/27/2016 Ex of 3 years wants to be friends for now, but goes out with me and gets close with me(butt grabbing holding hands, cuddle). She talks to me on the phone and text a lot as well when she's not with her friends?
Theodore Putnam asked 3/26/2016 Is having a girlfriend/boyfriend worth it? Is it just a distraction or a catalyst for success?
Anonymous asked 3/25/2016 So i was wrestling my siblings for the phone and i ended up with something that looks a lot like a hickey.. How long do hickeys last?
Anonymous asked 3/24/2016 There is a guy at my school, I sent him a follow request on Instagram, he accepted then one day later blocked me, should I send him a message asking him why he blocked me? We don't really know each other we are just in the same school.
Zack - Mr. GenXer asked 3/24/2016 Does your life involve a lot of drama from people you'd prefer to punch in the face?
Anonymous asked 3/24/2016 Is it wrong that I like my step cousin? We like each other, but I'm not sure if it's right.
Anonymous asked 3/24/2016 This guy at my school is always rly friendly around me and sometimes touchy, but there are also times when he acts like I'm not even there. Does he like me or is he just messing with me?
Anonymous asked 3/24/2016 This guy and I used to like each other in fifth grade. He still thinks I do but I don't! help me?
Anonymous asked 3/23/2016 this guy asked me out but i dont like him, how do i back up/ say no kindly. im in highschool?
Anonymous asked 3/23/2016 I want to ask the guy next door for casual sex. I am a virgin, and I know nothing. Any ways I can ask him?