star gazing asked 10/2/2016 This boy has been not only flirting w/ me, but body language/friends tell me he's completely into me. We have LOTS in common. If he's into me, I'm crushing back. BUT he's (unhappily) w/ a gf of 3 months. Do I back off entirely (details below)?
Anthony Vargas asked 10/2/2016 I'm 13 and I smoked a cigarette today (1 puff). I've been up all night scared that Ima get really sick or get really addicted. Help?
Kvothe Savien asked 9/30/2016 Are you the life of the party? Or are you constantly counting the number of guests for fear it will reach your allowed maximum before you move yourself to the closest door or window that will provide instant escape if needed?
Anonymous asked 9/27/2016 I was texting a shy guy for almost four hours, he was really engaging too! He even said it was nice talking with me! But I texted him the other day and he never replied, he usually always replies. Does that mean he isn't into me?
Jann Nikka asked 9/27/2016 Do you think some children being diagnosed with ADHD are really in need of lots of firm and strong discipline. I know there are hundreds of links and I've read hundreds. I was watching several TV programs and there was yelling, screaming and threats from parents and children, no discipline, no structure, no rules, just the child yelling and screaming for everything and then when he/she got it. It was over. Until the next time.
Anonymous asked 9/27/2016 Shine or Study? Many say that the “teenage years are your time to shine.” Try new things. Take your passions as far as they will go. Test the waters. (read comments)
Jann Nikka asked 9/26/2016 Do I owe you $0.42 or $42 and do you really think I'm going to pay you back 😁? If, you said yes, why?
Jann Nikka asked 9/26/2016 Have you done something 10-15 Or 20 years ago bad, wrong, misstep and a family member and/or friend just won't let it go? Keeps bringing up the painful past.
Annette Annie asked 9/26/2016 How do I ask my mothers doctor to transfer her to another hospital without offending them?
Anonymous asked 9/25/2016 If a guy you never talk to keeps snap chatting you, does that mean he might like you? I've ignored him all four times, but he keeps sending me snaps.
Anonymous asked 9/25/2016 So the guy I like texts me for hours at a time. He's engaging, answers right away and keeps the conversation going. He has even told me it was nice talking w/ me. But he's really shy so I need to initiate texting. Could he be interested in me?
Dur Duric asked 9/25/2016 Why do I often get the false feeling that I am advancing? Even though I wake up like the past never existed. Like I have to do it all over again. Like I have to renew my situation every bloody day.
Anonymous asked 9/24/2016 So I was texting a guy last night for almost four hours, and usually he ends with, "goodnight, talk to you later." But this time he said, "Goodnight, it was nice talking with you." Do you think he was being sincere?
Jann Nikka asked 9/23/2016 I'm coming to spend the 3 weeks with you🎒, what shall I bring? 🤗 and what are serving for lunch and dinner/supper? and lastly what sights are you going to show me? 🚘