Nikolai resnof asked 7/13/2011 I have friends that make fun of me Because my mom died how do i prove that it is sad?
Tiffany Olson asked 7/13/2011 Do guy's like when girls ask them to walk somewhere with them so they don't feel alone?
Anonymous asked 7/12/2011 When boys stare at their crush, is it for their crush to look back so they can talk to them, or are they admiring them?
catherine adams asked 7/12/2011 Cut the crap make a new start? What would you life to do differently?
Joseph Michael Wasik asked 7/12/2011 Do you think that most people are aware that something is wrong, that there is danger in the future, yet are in denial? Or that it is too scary to think about? That there is a normalcy bias infecting most people?
Maxine Chan asked 7/10/2011 Why won't moms leave their children alone especially when they are adults?
Arun Bera asked 7/10/2011 Well today my ex GF birthday, i text her and call her but she don't reply me, now when i call her my call get disconected automaticaly? What is wrong , are she put my no. On block(black) list?
Ihab Marzouk asked 7/10/2011 Have u ever found someone interesting on touch and stayed in touch for long?
Katie Rogers asked 7/8/2011 I was talking to my friend's, and they're all really sad, and then they told me they're tired of telling everyone everthing's going to be alright, and I agree, I feel tired of life idk what to do, please help me before I make the wrong choice?
Taylor Miller asked 7/8/2011 This Guy I Like Is A Player is what every1 told me & he asked me out & broke up with me after 2 hours & was all sweet the 1st hr but the other just Ignored me Is It Wrong That I Still Like Him... ALOT? & is it somthing that i did?
Blabitty Blah asked 7/7/2011 How do I deal with a broken heart? The guy I really like told me he likes another girl. I still want to be friends with him but hearing about the other girl would hurt too much. He was so special:(
Carissa Vadala asked 7/6/2011 Me and my Boyfriend been dating for 2 months. I really like him. He is a year older than me. He want to do sexual stuff and I do to but I am nervous?
Rachel Bossert asked 7/6/2011 What are some things you can text a guy to have a good conversation with him?
Krystyna Ryde asked 7/6/2011 What does it mean if you have a dream about kidnapping, torturing and then killing a person mean? My friend had this dream that she did that to me...
Horse Lover asked 7/6/2011 Why do people sleep naked? Do you? If so, how do you make sure no one walks into your room well you're sleeping?