Miranda Innaimo asked 10/27/2013 If you want to create genuine friendship / connections with people through the internet, how do you do it?
Ingrid Michelle asked 10/26/2013 A girl asked this guy I like if we talk and he said "yea something like that". What does he mean? Does he like me or what? And when he said that, he was mad at me in that moment!
Anonymous asked 10/26/2013 If a guy heard something bad about u and you text him an ask if he is mad about it and he says "kids big its straight tho" what does he mean? Does he not like me cuz of what he heard cuz it was oral sex related
Anonymous asked 10/26/2013 What gift should i give to my best friend on Christmas? She's a 14 year old kpop fan.
Anonymous asked 10/25/2013 I like the most popular guy in my class, I'm a freshman and I'm kinda popular, but we talk all the time at school and he always looks at me. What should i do?
Anonymous asked 10/24/2013 My boyfriend who I've met and been with for a week has been caught commenting on a very revealing girl's profile pic on FB. He's shown actions of trying to make me jealous earlier in the week. Should I be jealous or is this betrayal?
Daniel Simons asked 10/24/2013 Hey, I like this girl in my class, but I'm not in high school, and seeing how my classmates "relationships" have ended, I just want to stay friends with her until high school. Any advice?
Anonymous asked 10/24/2013 I really like the girl. I like her a lot. I know that she likes me, but she hasn't really said it to my face. I think she is nervous but I really want to be her boyfriend. I really really like her! Please?
Anonymous asked 10/22/2013 HELP! My crush found out I like him! He is my friends brother and she said he guessed it. I haven't been able to talk to her about it yet I had been with her the whole day and she never said anything! She waited for him to bring it up?
Brian Scott asked 10/22/2013 What is a good 'opening line' when trying to talk to a girl? I want something other than asking 'what they do' or questions like that, but also not something that will make me sound creepy or strange
Nancy Lidhar asked 10/22/2013 My weight is 66 kg and my height is 5'6 (female). My BMI is 23.4 which is very much in the normal range... But I still feel fat... I dont know why! Can someone help me out?
Anonymous asked 10/22/2013 I am a lady and there is a coworker of mine whom I like a lot...If I ask him out for a coffee after work would that be sexual harrasment?
Max Atwood asked 10/21/2013 My roommates are using me and lying to me because I'm into lolicon (Google it if you don't know what it means). How do I deal with it? Should I just move out?
Anonymous asked 10/21/2013 Can a person be a Christian and lose their virginity before marriage at the same time? In Christianity does that have to mean you're going to hell?