Dj The Sweetheart asked 3/1/2014 What do you do if you know something could really change your life, but you're scared of that change? Do you go for it, or keep the status quo?
Anonymous asked 2/27/2014 If a girl says she's taking her mum out to meet blokes in a bar, would you find that annoying?
Anonymous asked 2/27/2014 What does it mean if my husband only browses on his iPad using "private" mode?
Rafaela Santos asked 2/27/2014 How do i convince my parents to let me go on holiday with either my uncle or my best friend that I've known for 10 years? My parents know both her parents, we all speak the country's language fluently (Portuguese). I would be having adult supervision.
Anonymous asked 2/26/2014 My girlfriend had a boyfriend before me and he told her "I don't love you" so she went out with me. She told me she loved me, and we hung out. But then she went back to the boyfriend that never loved her. What should I do?
Dj The Sweetheart asked 2/26/2014 Who here has actually stayed friends with their exs after they broke up?
Anonymous asked 2/25/2014 I'm friends with this guy at school and he's my best guy friend. We always talk and make each other laugh, but I don't like him in that way and would absolutely NEVER date him. However, this girl at school teases me because she thinks I like him. What do I do?
Suasan reed asked 2/25/2014 My friend is a self harmer and she told me not to say anything otherwise she will end up back in therapy. I saw her leg today, it is really bad. Would I be a bad friend if I told an adult? Or would I be a bad friend If I didn't say anything?
larissa kowlessar asked 2/24/2014 Today my ex was only troubling me playfully, taking out my shoe lace, pinching my foot and staring me down. All of my friends keep telling me about it. What does this mean? Help!
joanna nahhas asked 2/24/2014 I want to start a conversation with my crush, we're friends and I always start with "hey" or "hi" and he always has something to start with, and I feel like I'm so boring. My friend told me to send him an "I miss you" text. So please.. can anyone help me with other suggestions?
jammiy lee asked 2/24/2014 I want to be present at the birth of my child but her mother will not have any contact with me and says I'm not welcome in hers or my baby's life. What can I do to peacefully fix this?
Anonymous asked 2/23/2014 I'm a 13 year old boy and I really like a girl, but I go to a different school. She's funny, kind, and attractive. But I'm a bit shy around girls. I'm pretty sure she likes me, but I don't know how I should talk to her and stuff. What should I do?
Sophie Marian asked 2/22/2014 Why do young girls lose their virginity at such a young ages these days?
Emilie Theriault asked 2/22/2014 I accidentally dyed my hair black, should I come out to my parents about being emo?