Lindsay H. asked 10/30/2014 I'm getting cyber bullied for liking Harry Styles and am accused of being jealous of his rumoured girlfriends when I'm actually not. What should I say or do when they come back and call me a liar for no reason?
Melody Rockefeller asked 10/29/2014 I am in love and he loves me back but he's too shy to ask me out :( I really like this guy ..... HELP?
Anonymous asked 10/29/2014 My girlfriend broke up with me via text by typing, "I'm done." I called her and told her off. I am in love with the woman and when I calmed down, I profusely apologized. She broke up with me 4 months ago. Any chance of getting back with her?
lover boy asked 10/28/2014 How do I make a girl feel better after they hear a close friend/family member has died?
Anonymous asked 10/27/2014 I have a crush on my best friend's girlfriend and I feel extremely guilty. What should I do?
Anonymous asked 10/27/2014 My group left me and I need new friends. There's one girl in my class I want to be friends with. She sits in the row next to me but she's in the front and I'm in the back. How do I approach her? What do I say and how do I join her group?
Shay sparksfly asked 10/26/2014 Is it okay to hang out with a male co-worker as a friend when you're in a relationship? And yet he's in one to?
Tayna Spaulding asked 10/26/2014 I never get to see my boyfriend and every time I do I want to tell him how much I miss him but I can't find the right words. Can you help? I'm 14
marnie thomas asked 10/26/2014 Whenever I have sex with my boyfriend, I feel a sensation to empty my bowels, I never need to but I don't know why I feel like this and even when I don't feel like this I get really nervous when I do. I'm afraid it might ruin my sex life, what can I do?
Anonymous asked 10/24/2014 I have an overly obsessive crush on a guy. I don't want to, but no matter how hard I try, I cannot seem to make it go away. How can I stop it?
Anonymous asked 10/24/2014 There is this kid in my bio class, and he's really cute, and I always catch him staring at me. Today we both looked at each other at the same time, and our eyes met and it felt like something powerful happened, but I don't know - does this kid like me?
damian mccullough asked 10/22/2014 i love my girl friend but we hardly talk to each other what does that mean?
Anonymous asked 10/20/2014 Does he like me? Flirts with me everyday or is mad. Gets mad when I flirt with others. But he has a gf.