HappyTo BeHereTo asked 8/23/2017 If you were arrested with no explanation, what would family and friends assume you did?
HappyTo BeHereTo asked 8/23/2017 What body part would be better if it was detachable? (Keep it PG rated folks!)
Yin And Yang asked 8/21/2017 If you are gonna discuss s3x are you more comfortable talking with a friend or spouse? Or maybe a professional, a stranger or no one at all?
Anonymous asked 8/21/2017 Evaluate and discuss the negative impact of youth risk behaviour on yourself and others (your community or society at large). Refer to the 4 spheres of well-being i.e. social, economic, physical and emotional/mental?
Anonymous asked 8/20/2017 I want to know if am i were-cat or werewolf? My signs: ●get angry fast and run away alone ●Love meat ●Eyes change blue to green ●Dreams on all fours hairy/fangs ●I can run on fours very good for real ●Energy at night ●Love Full moon
Anonymous asked 8/19/2017 evaluate and discuss the negative impact of youth risk behavior on yourself and others (your community or society at large). Refer to the 4 spheres of well being i.e social, economic, physical and emotional/mental?
Max Glazer asked 8/18/2017 How do gay people get into a relationship without gay bars / gay dating apps?? Do they just randomly ask people if they're gay or what?
HappyTo BeHereTo asked 8/18/2017 Some people take themselves too seriously. I say, if you can't laugh at yourself, call me. I'll laugh at ya! 😆 So what's your latest goof up? I drove 35 miles to the wrong town. smh
zack leon asked 8/16/2017 I play soccer and I use to be a good defender but after the mental health unit (hospital),and (medication testing),my nerve cells in front toes are sleepy and I was never able to wake them is there any way to wake it up?
Max Glazer asked 8/15/2017 Will stuttering eventually fade away? It's made me pretty anti social and I feel like without it a heavy burden would be lifted off my shoulders. I've tried multiple speech therapists and no result
Anonymous asked 8/15/2017 I want to change my first and last name. My first name is gonna be Max but I don't know about my last name. I don't want something too generic but I don't know where people get last names from :/
Anonymous asked 8/13/2017 Is it ok to hate your ethnicity? Just thinking about it makes me sick to my stomach. I try to avoid doing anything "too Arab" to avoid hating myself even more. At heart I feel like an American or Eurepean but I'm trapped by reality
Anonymous asked 8/10/2017 So my friend just invited me to go to the movie but i dont have my license yet (its been years) so i feel embarrassed about it. So what should i do? Any advice would be much appreciated
Yin And Yang asked 8/10/2017 Do you have any interesting twists to birthdays or passing away days in your family? (My answer is an example of what I mean)
Anonymous asked 8/9/2017 Ive been with this girl for a while. We broke up and i left county. I came back and we still had feelings. But school started and we have no classes together. But i love her and wanna be with her what do i do. I rather advice from a girl too?