Victor Reine asked 8/21/2015 I'm new here, I don't know any of you but I'd like to, so tell me one thing about yourself?
Georgie Jb asked 8/21/2015 Why are there so many people who don't seem to understand the word no? :) Just a random question guys.
Meesh Dollinger asked 8/21/2015 Hot topic:). Hate the heat. In debate with partner. What do you set your AC at?
spunky monkey asked 8/21/2015 If you got another chance to do you life over and change your mistakes, would you?
Lou Pitts asked 8/20/2015 I have a little hectic situation with my best friend and her ex-husband, who happens to be my bro-in-law. My question is a little over 250 characters. Is anyone interested in hearing a little more? I'd love your opinion.
Juju Roth asked 8/20/2015 I texted him saying I love you and he read the text but didn't text back. I feel so stupid :((?
Anonymous asked 8/19/2015 So I am falling for a player who has already broken my heart two times!! What do I do?
Tris Fray Potter asked 8/19/2015 What are some inspirational quotes for people who are being bullied and have low self esteem?
Akino Sonohara asked 8/19/2015 How do I get a Gemini man to chase me after losing contact for half a year or so? I'm tired of chasing him because I seem clingy and he keeps being distant. Any geminis or advice, experiences?
Dakota Mackenzie asked 8/19/2015 Why do some people say you can tell them the truth but then get mad when you do?
Anonymous asked 8/19/2015 If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't have all these multiple crowds. How am I supposed to choose which one I belong to?
Pedro Gonzalez asked 8/18/2015 Why is a man criticized for being sexist when he says he doesn't like larger women, but it's acceptable for a woman to reject a man based on his height? (like saying "I don't date guys shorter than me")