Anonymous asked 10/24/2015 Can one stop feeling love forever ? I have been in love once..but I was broken...and I am fine's been a really long time but I still feel like I can't love anyone else anymore.
S L jamen asked 10/23/2015 I have a small camping trailer and have to pay for storage, camp site, insurance, gas and car to pull it around, furnish dishes, bedding, lawn chairs, frig. microwave, air cond., etc. How do I ask my boyfriend to share in the expenses?
Anonymous asked 10/12/2015 I really like this girl, and i think she likes me. Her friend looks like she likes me as well, but i don't like her. I want to talk to the girl i like, but i am scared to get her friend jealous and make them not friends?
S L jamen asked 10/12/2015 Occasionally my boyfriend gets very defensive at certain things I say because he takes something I say different than I meant it. And, he got defensive when I mentioned his gambling with, I sure wouldn't give that casino any of my money?
Selina David asked 10/11/2015 What would a really tight, long hug from behind around the waist and being lifted and carried by a guy mean?
Anonymous asked 10/11/2015 If you were in a relationship to where you had to chose between comfort or passion, which would you chose?
Anonymous asked 10/10/2015 What does it mean when a guy never texts back or hardly texts after texting all the time?
ehab mokhtar asked 10/9/2015 There is a girl in my school, that looks at me a lot, but I don't directly look at her, but she is still in my field of sight, so when she does look at me, and I look back at her, and she darts her head off. I want to talk, but she is always with friends. Advice?
Anonymous asked 10/9/2015 Why do fathers abandon their kids once the mother ends the relationship? Is it because she broke up with him? is it too hard to see her again so they don't see their kids?
Emma Scorpion asked 10/8/2015 Is this a compliment or an insult: I was taking to this guy about jow I am ugly compared to girls at my school because they are the stereotypical model girls and he said 'I can see why---but it's all about personality not looks. No offence"?
Anonymous asked 10/5/2015 I am straight but I really like this one girl. What's wrong with me I feel so strange?
Anna Khayalan asked 10/4/2015 What do you think about temporary marriage contracts rather than dating?
Anonymous asked 10/4/2015 Can this relationship last like this? I recently fell in love with a handsome and intelligent university student while I was dressed as a girl after being persuaded by a friend, and I am wondering how this is going to work.
Anonymous asked 10/3/2015 I like this boy and I've known him forever but he likes this other girl. She's pretty, athletic, funny, and smart and just his type. But here I am. I don't know if I tell him and ruin the friendship or just keep it bottled up?
Anonymous asked 10/3/2015 I need my husband to be respectful. He does not try to understand how I think. He makes me feel bad when I try to discuss it with him. I want this marriage to work but how can you live with someone who does not respect your feelings?
Not Online Anymore asked 10/2/2015 What's the single most important quality you seek when trying to find boyfriend/girlfriend?
kile lone asked 10/2/2015 Does my brothers friend like me? my cousin called me over while he was talking to him and he told me that he was always asking about me. it was so awkward afterwards.
Anonymous asked 10/1/2015 I'm in a controlling relationship with someone who had a crush on me and refused to accept the fact that I rejected him. I want to tell him I don't like him but he actually has me scared. Advice?