Anonymous asked 6/6/2016 ermaine loves applying his Learning Pattern knowledge to his relationship with his family members at home. At the kitchen table, ______ discuss how they would approach the task of remodeling the guest bathroom?
Anonymous asked 5/31/2016 I'm dating a guy who was cheated on by his ex-wife & seems guarded. What is the best way for me to show him love?
Anonymous asked 5/30/2016 Guys, is it possible to go from "friends with benefits" to a committed relationship?
Dur Duric asked 5/29/2016 Why do always pretty woman from west seem so nervous. Unlike the woman from east?
Anonymous asked 5/29/2016 I'm still in high-school and I'm always wondering why men in their early 20s seem to be interested in me?
Jane Doe asked 5/26/2016 (This was yesterday) I told my ex i liked him and he seemed interested. I called him to explain my interest but he never answered or returned my call, what should I do?
Anonymous asked 5/26/2016 girl likes me and i don't like her back, she is nice but also really awkward?
Yin And Yang asked 5/25/2016 Did you have a wedding mishap that you look back on and laugh about now? (Like a fainting groom, a "missing" bridesmaid and groomsman, a leaning cake, a drunken uncle, a late photographer, etc)
jassic skys asked 5/25/2016 What do it means when he says this? "forget about me, dont hate. you are going to get nowhere with me.. move on' but days later messaged apologizing and saying they are ready to talk now. and posted 1 thing on tumblr saying "i miss YOU" a few mints later when i didn't reply back.
Anonymous asked 5/25/2016 Men, do you like it when women show affection? (I'm speaking about hugs/kisses in private, not PFA.)
Anonymous asked 5/24/2016 My bfs ex wont leave him alone, she texts him Reminiscing about their relationship and it really annoys me, he deletes the messages and ignores her. Should i ask him to tell her to stop?
Jann Nikka asked 5/21/2016 Should a man or woman bring their live-in boyfriend or girlfriend to their parents house to live for three or four years and they're not paying bills and simply telling the parents that they're saving money to someday get married?
Anonymous asked 5/19/2016 I'm not allowed to date, but I have prom (it comes up in a year, I just wanna prepare way ahead of time) and I wanna take a date. How am I suppose to ask my parents to allow me to do so?
Anonymous asked 5/16/2016 Boyfriend plans to spend 3 days with me over memorial weekend. And he has tickets to an Elvis Impersonator show. How can I tell him I can't spend that much time together. One reason I feel we get on each other nerves?
Zack - Mr. GenXer asked 5/14/2016 At any point in your life, did you ever think that love was enough in a relationship?
Dance like a gypsy asked 5/12/2016 What was this all about? I updated a photo on Facebook and I had my boyfriend and a few other guys comment. One guy commented saying "Ilu" I ignored it. Later my boyfriend replies to him saying "best comment". I'm confused.