Rich Marzetti asked 1/13/2016 Lots of times I think too late about what I want to eat, and I decide to make something in the stove that's frozen in the freezer. Can I just put the food in the oven without thawing it? The stove is a year old or close to it.
PJ Stein asked 11/26/2015 Is there a trick to keep lemon seeds out of things when squeezing a lemon? I was making apple pie and it took me way too much time to dig one of those things out of the apples.
Rooster Cogburn asked 11/12/2015 I used to have a neighbor that would stuff his turkey with macaroni and cheese and I always laughed at that. I know everyone has old recipes for stuffing, what's your favorite?
lissa bella asked 11/3/2015 I want to buy dinner sets. Which brand is the best? It has to be safe in the micro oven.
Anonymous asked 10/19/2015 Any good baking recipe ideas with peanut butter in them ? P.s anything but cheesecake it's gross :)
Anonymous asked 10/19/2015 Can you add cocoa powder to a vanilla milkshake recipe to make it chcocolate? Or do you need sugar?
Firstname Refreshme lastname asked 10/13/2015 The recipe on the Brownie box calls for oil, can I substitute melted butter for it?