Anonymous asked 1/5/2016 I would like to try creative writing, however I don't want to have people that I know read any writings in fear that it might be really bad. Are there any websites with a good community that I might be submit writing to?
Anonymous asked 1/2/2016 I have an assignment to write a story based upon crime. I'm doing mine on the Mafia but I haven't got much knowledge on the subject. Anyone know a site I'd be able to research it or someone knowing a lot of information on it available to educate me on the basics?
Anonymous asked 1/1/2016 I'm writing a book. The story revolves around an adopted girl who eventually finds her biological mom. I'm wondering if it's possible for her adoptive parents to un-adopt her and have her biological mother take her in again?
Soul Fly asked 12/30/2015 Someone told me once that using the word "should" is rude. Do you agree? If so, what is a good way to replace the word?
Anonymous asked 12/30/2015 I like to write realistic fiction, and want to write a novel. I am younger, so I need people to respect my work and overlook my age. Any tips for writing/publishing?
Allen Li asked 12/23/2015 I am studying English. I find most native speaker meet someone and would say 'How are you going?','What's up?' and so on? So... what should I response politely? Thanks.
Ally Gh asked 12/6/2015 Many people think Linguistics (my field) is an absolutely boring field. Do you agree with this statement or not?
Taylor Brookes asked 12/4/2015 As some of you may know, I enjoy creative writing. Most of my work is kind of fantasy/adventure but I recently had an idea for a horror story. As a newbie to the genre, do you have any tips for me?
Taylor Brookes asked 11/25/2015 Are you one of those people who loves to correct people's grammar? Does it annoy people when you do it or do they appreciate it? How do you try to tone it back when people get annoyed?
Taylor Brookes asked 11/21/2015 Who should I get to review my writing? I don't want to ask my friends because I don't think they can give me honest, useful feedback, so who should I ask?
Taylor Brookes asked 11/21/2015 When writing, you're told to 'show, not tell'. How exactly are you meant to do this?
Moooaoa Jiaou asked 11/20/2015 Don't mean to be rude at all.. Do you think that if Americans live in Hawaii, their English skills would deteriorate because English spoken there is not sophisticated due to large number of non-native speakers?